Lindal Gala is to celebrate 62 years this weekend.

The annual event has been organised by Lindal Church since 1962.

The centre piece of the Gala is the crowning of the Gala Queen where one of Lindal and Marton primary school's year six pupils is given the title for the upcoming year.

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Shirley Glover, secretary of St Peter's Lindal Church, said: "We have been celebrating the Lindal Gala for 62 years this year.

"The very first Gala was held in Lindal 62 years ago surprisingly, in 1962. Barbara Martindale was the very first Queen."

The event will take place at St. Peter's Lindal Church Gala Saturday, June 29 on The Green, Lindal in Furness.

Gala Queen Abigail will open the Gala after the tradition parade from Church at 1.50pm.

This will be led by the retiring Queen Alma and her entourage accompanied by Dalton Town Band.

There will also be the Strawberry Teas Big raffle, home baking, tombolas, Books, Hook a Duck, Children's games.

Dalton Town Band and a Fairground organ will also perform. Admission for Lindal Mile and Mini mile is £1 and children are free.