Rescuers were called to investigate a lamb that was suspected to fallen 50m down a Lake District mine shaft on Saturday (June 22).

Coniston Mountain Rescue Team were originally called to investigate the incident at Coniston Coppermines.

After members of COMRU (Cumbria Ore Mines Rescue Unit) returned to the surface following a project at the mines, they decided to take over after mountain rescuers were called to a walker in trouble at around 10am.

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A Facebook post on the said:  "The entrance was quickly checked, and although there was evidence of an animal having been there, it was no longer there.

"There is a 50m drop into the stope from the adit and it was thought that the lamb might have fallen.

"The level 50 m below was checked but there was no evidence of the lamb. It is assumed that it had either fallen 50 m to a rarely frequented part of the mine, or had made its way safely back to the surface (since it was easy scrambling)."

The call out involved two members of COMRU for around one hour.