A COMMUNITY group has been awarded hundreds of pounds from a grant.

Ormsgill Stronger Together were 'delighted' to receive an Asda Foundation Grant for £800.

The grant is part of Empowering Local Communities which will enable the group to purchase more tables and chairs so that the local community can attend and engage in activities that Ormsgill Stronger Together provide.

Gill Gerrish, community champion of Asda Barrow, said: "The ladies have achieved so much in such a relatively short time and Asda Barrow, together with the Asda Foundation, are happy to give their continued support." 

Ormsgill Stronger Together thanked Gill for the grant on their social media saying: "Huge thank you to Gill Gerrish and the Asda Foundation for this amazing cheque of £800 to go towards extra tables and chairs for the hall.

"As we have gotten busier, we've needed more chairs, and this generous donation will make a significant difference. Thank you for your support."