DOZENS of travellers were stranded after Northern Rail cancelled five trains from Lancaster to Barrow.

Michael Hopkins, from Ulverston, had been on a family weekend to York and was travelling back with his daughter when five trains were cancelled between 1pm and 7pm on Sunday.

He estimates that around 80 people were left stranded on the platform at Lancaster and claims there were no Northern staff around to help.

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He also adds that a 16-seater minibus was the only rail replacement service to arrive.

Michael said: "Just how do Northern get away with their continuing abysmal service to long suffering passengers on the Lancaster to Barrow service?

"Yesterday, they cancelled five trains at 2.02pm, 3.04pm, 4.03pm, 5.06pm and 6.04pm with the excuse that a driver had called in sick. One driver? Five trains ? Come off it.

"My daughter and I were travelling from York and not until we were well into the journey were we informed that our connection at Manchester Piccadilly to Barrow would actually terminate at Preston.

"We caught the Glasgow train to Lancaster arriving at 4.30pm.

"Eventually around 5.30pm, 50 frustrated passengers standing on the station forecourt in the hot sun were cheered by the sight of a replacement bus turning up. It was a sixteen-seater minibus.

(Image: Michael Hopkins) "There’ll be a fleet of them along in a minute us cock-eyed optimists thought, but no, alas this was to prove to be the only one.

"How dare Northern trains treat their customers with such indifference.

"The first train for six hours finally left Lancaster at 7.02pm and we arrived at Ulverston at 8.05pm.

"I’m not a frequent user of this service but this is the fifth time in the last year that I have had to suffer the inconvenience of a cancelled train at Lancaster or Preston.

"I’m sure that regular commuters could tell of even more harrowing experiences."

A Northern Rail spokesman said it had put out a 'Check Before You Travel' alert for Sunday 23 June to its north west customers.

The train service had said that there will be no trains running on the following three routes:

Morecambe-Lancaster (with a  imited service from Leeds to Morecambe which stops at Lancaster), Manchester-Clitheroe and Wigan-Staybridge

A spokesperson for Northern said: "Our customers were advised to plan ahead and check their journey before travelling on Sunday, as there were a number of short-notice alterations, cancellations and delays due to train crew unavailability. We are very sorry for the inconvenience."