A LAMB was heard bleating for its mother down an old mine shaft near Red Dell, Coniston. 

Coniston Mountain Rescue Team attempted to save the lamb when it received a call after a dog walker heard it. Another member of the public also heard the stricken lamb and phoned Cumbria Police. The mountain rescue team had to attend a second call out, but Cumbria Ore Mines Rescue Unit was able to take over and search for the lamb. 

A spokesperson from the rescue team said: "After going into the various shaft levels, although there were signs the lamb had been in there some time, they could not see or hear it.

"It was therefore concluded that it had either fallen the 50 metres down the stope in which case it would not have survived, or we could hope for the more positive alternative that it had managed to find its way out encouraged by the sound of its mother."

Five members were involved in this call, including one member from Rossendale and Pendle MRT and two from Cumbria Ore Mines Rescue Unit.