AN Ambleside author will publish a book dedicated to her favourite fell this week - Loughrigg. 

Eileen Jones has recently published books on Parkruns, the global phenomenon where volunteers organise popular weekly running events at their local green spaces in cities and towns. 

Now she has written a book about one of the most visited and accessible mountains in the Lake District - with its proximity to Ambleside and a varied range of hiking trials making it attractive to anyone. 

The swans on Loughrigg tarnThe swans on Loughrigg tarn (Image: Roger Ratcliffe)

Eileen, who has lived in the area for 13 years but was a regular visitor before that, said: "I started going up it every week, a least once a week. There's different ways, different paths - it's got everything. We've got fabulous views." 

Loughrigg, from its famous trigpoint, has views over Windermere and the central Lake District. It also has a tarn with views of the Langdale Pikes, making it a highly desirable wild swimming spot. 

Fell running on LoughriggFell running on Loughrigg (Image: Steve Ashworth)

At 1,099 feet (335 metres), Loughrigg is only just over a third of the height of Scafell Pike. Despite its size, reflected in the title of Eileen's book 'Loughrigg - Tales of a small mountain,' the fell has made quite a name for itself. 

"I heard so many stories of why people loved this mountain so much," Eileen said. "I got to chat to the couple who live literally half way. Lots of people wrote poems about the fell - such as Wordsworth."

The cover photo of Eileen's bookThe cover photo of Eileen's book (Image: Eileen Jones)

Generations on, the Wordsworth family still maintain a link to Loughrigg. Chris Wordsworth, a descendant of William, read out his poems on top of the fell. 

On the broad popularity of the fell, Eileen said: "For a lot of people it's the first fell they ever climb. It's so accessible. There's so much to it. Years and year I would new paths."

Loughrigg - Tales of a Small Mountain will be published by Gritstone Publishing. Its release date is Friday June 28 at either or both Loughrigg summit (2pm) and Ambleside Parish Centre (6.30pm). 

It is a 200 page paperback with 16 pages of photos and will be sold for £12.99.