More than 200 pupils from schools across South Cumbria Multi-Academy Trust performed a concert together on World Music Day.

To celebrate World Music Day on Friday June 21, children from Chetwynde, Ormsgill, Cambridge, South Walney Juniors, Newbarns and Greengate Juniors sang along.

The first cross-Trust music concert was hosted by Chetwynde School and included popular tunes such as Consider Yourself from Oliver.

They also sang assembly favourite Power In Me, Down Low from the musical Rock Bottom, You Found Me, A Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay and Disney’s Moana Medley.

Chetwynde student Imogen Jones inspired the pupils with a spectacular solo performance before the finale brought all the pupils together singing the uplifting Samba Carnival song – complete with dance moves.

Katherine Parkinson, head of creative faculty at Chetwynde School, said the idea had come from members of the Trust’s professional network for music.

“It is World Music Day that’s why we picked this date,” she said, “Pupils are taking part from a variety of year groups ranging from Year 3 to Year 6 and it is the first event for the new music group formed across our MAT schools.

“We wanted to do something to bring all our schools together and celebrate music and performance and showcase the talent across the Trust to inspire everyone and we have done just that. It has been absolutely brilliant to hear everyone sing their hearts out today.”