Engineering is a powerhouse industry, essential to modern life in all of its many aspects.

Women have historically been underrepresented in this crucial working environment that delivers prosperity and innovation across the globe. Siemens Energy have made considerable steps forward in this regard – encouraging diversity across their workforce, with female voices and thought making a significant contribution the company and their customers.

Below, some of the women working at Siemens Energy outline their experiences of the sector, from 13 year veterans to engineering apprentices.

(Image: Siemens Energy)

A fantastic work environment

The lofty aims of a 50/50 gender representation within the workforce by 2025 signifies a genuine shift in the inclusion of women in a traditionally male role. By encouraging more women to become employed at every level of the company, Siemens Energy aims to foster a welcoming, nurturing environment for all employees.

Ruth, a test technician who has worked for Siemens Energy for 11 years, shares her thoughts on the workplace culture: “Whether you’ve just come out of school, or a little later on in life, and you’re thinking of entering this line of work I’d say go for it!

“If you’re a woman and you’re a bit concerned about working in this industry, you don’t need to worry as it’s such a lovely place to be.”

Whether you’re thinking of becoming an engineer yourself or working in a different role, women can expect a warm welcome straight away. Jill has worked in the sales and business department for 13 years, and reveals: “It’s a brilliant place to work, the people are fantastic – you immediately feel welcomed and part of the family.

“You are encouraged to be yourself as woman in engineering, which is so valuable.”

Plenty of opportunities

Women in early careers are a major priority for Siemens Energy – continuing to drive recruitment by hosting events where current STEM students can meet inspirational women who have carved out a career in the engineering industry.

In order to address the imbalance of male and female employees, Siemens Energy have implemented their recruitment strategy across all levels of employment. Jess, a third year mechanical apprentice, says building confidence within women starting in entry level roles is what makes Siemens stand out.

“When I started this role, my confidence was quite low and my mentality was “I can’t do this”. I’d say that this is the area where Siemens Energy helped me the most – everyone I work with is really encouraging and have always supported me.”

(Image: Siemens Energy)

To find out more about Siemens Energy's commitment to women in the workplace, visit