A NEW bright and colourful mural unveiled on the side of the Roxy Cinema pays tribute to Another Fine Fest and Ulverston's most famous son.

The painting of comedians Laurel and Hardy celebrates Another Fine Fest' tenth anniversary and was unveiled around the time of Stan Laurel's birthday on June 16.

It was organised and commissioned by the festival's founder Dave Crossley and designed and created by local artist Chris Dorning.

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The renowned artist appeared on this year's season of Landscape Artist of the Year on Sky Arts and he also owns the business Still Life in Ulverston with his wife Donna.

Chris also painted the large Roxy logo down the side of the building that faces the A590.

(Image: Roxy collective) He based the new mural on a classic Laurel and Hardy movie poster from the film Way Out West which was released in 1937 - the same year the Roxy was built.

The artist mixed in iconic elements of Ulverston such as the famous Sir John Barrow monument and the cinematic past of the Roxy building.

A spokesperson for the Roxy Collective, the volunteers dedicated to restoring the art deco building, said:  "We hope that Stan would have loved this celebration of him and his comedy partner and that the mural is a nice addition to our bright and vibrant town that loves art, culture and most importantly festivals. "

Mr Crossley added: "I would like to give huge thanks and love to AFFs supporters, crowdfunders and sponsors for enabling us to pay for this amazing artist to create this beautiful mural."

(Image: Roxy collective) The mural cannot be missed on the side of the building that faces Brogden Street and has received many compliments on social media since its unveiling on Monday, June 17.

Speaking on the Roxy Cinema Facebook page, one woman said : "Best one yet! Looks brilliant."

Another said: "Absolutely fabulous! Love the colours too. How lucky we are."

One man said: "Fantastic and very clever how the mural is inspired from a photograph promoting Way Out West from 1937, the same year as the Roxy.

"Wonderful. Thank you for this amazing piece of art."

Another Facebook user said: "I need this in poster form! It is amazing!!! Well done, Chris Dorning!!"