LABOUR has been criticised by the Conservatives after leaflets were sent to homes in Barrow and Furness containing spelling errors.

Campaign leaflets had the name of candidate Michelle Scrogham spelt incorrectly while the word 'deterrent', in reference to the party's nuclear weapons policy, was also spelt wrong.

Conservatives campaigning in the constituency have slammed Labour for the mistakes, claiming the errors demonstrated a lack of attention to detail and support for the nuclear deterrent.

Leaflets urging voters to back Labour said: "Micelle is local and was born and raised here."

It also described how 'our commitment to Barrow Shipyard and the UK's nuclear deterant is unshakeable' and 'Britain's nuclear deterant is the constant that continues to underline our national security'.

Labour and the Conservatives have already butted heads over the shipyard during the election campaign with the Tories claiming Labour would put national security 'at risk'.

Labour said its backing for nuclear submarines is 'absolute'.

According to the Barrow and Furness Conservative Association, the leaflet mistakes showed 'Starmer's candidate can't be trusted to spell deterrent never mind deliver it'.

Conservative candidate Simon Fell said: "It's a worrying lack of attention of detail to the single most important issue facing Barrow at this election.

"But we all make mistakes - like she did, backing Jeremy Corbyn twice when he'd have shuttered our largest employer in a heartbeat."

(Image: Newsquest)

Labour came under fire for its defence policies in previous elections under the former leader Mr Corbyn but made a manifesto pledge to back the Trident nuclear deterrent, saying it was committed to maintaining Barrow's shipyard.

A spokesperson for the Labour Party said: “The Conservatives are really getting desperate if this is what they are focussing on.

"Labour is fully committed to our shipyard, to raising defence spending to 2.5 per cent of GDP, and to the UK’s nuclear deterrent.

"The Labour manifesto also includes the promise to bring forward an urgently needed defence industrial strategy that will strengthen the defence sector and its supply chain in this country.

“It is clear that Labour is now the party of national security. Sir David Omand, former head of the UK intelligence agency, told the Daily Telegraph this week that Labour’s announcement of a ‘triple lock’ on our nuclear deterrent means that people can trust the party on defence. 

“In contrast, the Conservatives have cut the army to its smallest size since it fought Napoleon, they dithered and delayed over Trident replacement, and they have overseen one in five of the Royal Navy’s ships being removed from service. All they have left to offer are the same silly political games. After 14 years of chaos and neglect, it’s time for change.”

Voters are due to go to the polls in Barrow and Furness on July 4. 

Also standing for election are Barry Morgan for Reform UK, Lisa Morgan for the Party Of Women, Adrian Waite for the Liberal Democrats and Lorraine Wrennall for the Green Party.