A HIKER required full mountain rescue assistance after slipping on Scafell Pike and hearing 'a crack in her ankle.' 

The injury was described as very painful and she could not make any further progress. 19 Wasdale MRT members were involved in the five hour rescue on Saturday, June 15.

A spokesperson from Wasdale MRT said: "A swift call out was made and once on scene team members assessed the injury. A well equipped trainee mountain leader in the party had already insulated, sheltered and given simple pain relief."

The team crossing a stream on the descentThe team crossing a stream on the descent (Image: Wasdale MRT)

She was given further pain relief while her ankle was splintered. The walker was then transferred to a stretcher for the carry down to the valley floor. 

"Once safely down at Brackenclose she was moved to their own vehicle for the journey to hospital and further treatment," said a spokesman.

"We wish the walker a speedy recovery and hope to see her back on the fells soon."