THE wife of Hairy Biker Dave Myers has had her say on whether Barrow's Dave Day celebration should become an annual event.

Along with Dave's co-star Si King, Liliana Myers led thousands of bikers in a ride out to Barrow to celebrate the late TV chef.

She has now spoken out amid the clamour to make the event an annual occurrence.

Speaking to The Mail, she welcomed suggestions of making the day a yearly event in Barrow.

"A yearly celebration would be fantastic," she said.

"I've heard talks about it so let's see."

Liliana welcomed suggestions raised for the type of event, including a food festival, but said: "It would take the form best suited for the town."

Looking back on the event, which tens of thousands of people to Barrow, she said: "Dave always wanted to put Barrow on the map and my god he did it in a big way."

Opening up on the planning of the huge event, Liliana said early discussions had first taken place around the time of Dave's funeral in March.

Following the Hairy Biker's death, she said she received reams of messages asking her how they could pay their respects to Dave.

And plans for a mass ride-out looked to involve hundreds of bikers heading for Barrow.

But plans spiralled, with tens of thousands of people donning their leathers - and Hawaiian - shirts to make the long journey to Furness.

"I had some amazing friends who took the idea and made it big," Liliana said.

"There were talks about a few hundred and I thought that would be lovely - but then it just grew."

Barrow Business Improvement District organised events in the town centre to mark Dave Day, while bands rocked crowds at Barrow Raiders' Craven Park.

Si King has also backed making the Dave Day festivities an annual events.

He previously told BBC Breakfast: "Wouldn't that be wonderful [if it happened every year]?

"I think I may have to ask Woody [organiser Jason Woodcock] in a week's time and Lil [Liliana Myers] because Lil and Woody were really instrumental in making this happen and it was a remarkable, remarkable achievement."