'DON'T turn your back on cattle if you get too close.' 

That is the advice of the Lake District National Park authority after two cattle trampling incidents so far this year. 

A woman was left unconscious after being trampled by cows on School Knott, Windermere, in May this year. She was lifted out of the area by the air ambulance. A month before, a hiker was hospitalised when she was trampled by cows on Wansfell. 

A spokesperson from the Langdale Ambleside Mountain Rescue Team said: "She sustained a few different injuries and after treatment by us, she was taken to hospital by the North West Air Ambulance for further attention."

The Lake District Park Authority said cows with calves would be protective of their young 'so you should avoid getting too close.'

A spokesperson added: "If you mistakenly do, then please don’t make a run for it, move away slowly. Don’t turn your back on the cattle and don’t make eye contact as they can find this intimidating.

“The countryside code advises that dogs should always be under close control around livestock but if you are feeling threatened by cattle the advice is to drop the lead to allow your dog to run away.”

More information on the Countryside Code can be found here: https://www.lakedistrict.gov.uk/visiting/countryside-code

In June 2020, an 82-year-old died after being 'attacked by a herd of cows' while out walking with his wife near Ingleton in the Yorkshire Dales.

At the time Urswick farmer James Airey said: "If you’re on a footpath or walking through land where there are cows, in particular if you have got a dog, keep the dog on a lead and make sure you have got an exit where you can get away from the cattle.

“These cattle have maternal instincts and basically all they are doing is trying to protect their calves.

“They are a big lump of an animal and if they do come at you you do put yourself in extreme danger. So keep a good distance.”

He advised walkers to take alternative routes if possible if they came across a field with cattle and calves.