THE first week of a major digging project in Millom has already produced some interesting finds - including items that are likely from a building destroyed nearly four centuries ago. 

Supervised by Greenlane Archaeology of Ulverston, fourteen volunteers have dug two trenches near Millom Castle in week one of 'Digging for Millom.'

A spokesperson from Millom and District Local History Society, which runs the project, said: "From an archaeological perspective the most important finds have been Medieval pottery sherds thought to be the largest collection found in this part of Cumbria."

A small clay pipe bowl depicting a young African boy with earrings 'needs researching'A small clay pipe bowl depicting a young African boy with earrings 'needs researching' (Image: Millom and District Local History Society)

Other finds include Victorian pottery sherds, pieces of old roof slates and stones that might be from the old vicarage. This was demolished in 1644 by the Royalist Huddlestons to avoid the Parliamentarians using it to attack Millom Castle during the English Civil War.

The spokesperson added: "Some of the more visually interesting finds include a metal Baden Powell House woggle which is not surprising given the Old School was the headquarters of the local boy scouts for many years."

Another shard depicts part of the word 'recruits' Another shard depicts part of the word 'recruits' (Image: Millom and District Local History Society)

One of the pottery sherds, which are from the Victorian era onwards, depicts part of the word 'recruits' and another the word 'Millom' on it. 

"By far the most intriguing find is a small clay pipe bowl depicting a young African boy with earrings which needs researching," the spokesperson said. 

The society is holding open days at the site, next to Holy Trinity Church, on June 23 and 29, and July 1, from 10am until 4 pm. Members of the public can watch the digs take place, view the finds and attend a presentation in the church with information on the project. 

Another find from the first week of diggingAnother find from the first week of digging (Image: Millom and District Local History Society)

In week two, the volunteers will dig a trench along a mound across a nearby field - possibly the remains of an ancient field boundary. 

The 'urn' field will be excavated in week three, where a bronze age funerary urn was found in the mid-19th century. There may be more bronze age material to be discovered in this field.