A GOVERNMENT inspector has turned down an appeal for ‘luxury’ camping pods in south Cumbria.

The Planning Inspectorate has refused an appeal from Ian Handley for the construction of four camping pods on land to the east of High Fellside Hall near Sedbergh.

According to a report produced by the Planning Inspectorate the proposals would be an ‘incongruous development’ and would lead to an intensification of human activity to the ‘detriment of the tranquillity’ of the area.

The report states: “Consequently, the proposed development would have a harmful effect on the character and appearance of the National Park.”

Plans for the camping pods were initially lodged with the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority in January 2023.

A design and access statement submitted with the application says: “The proposed development will provide tourist accommodation and will be a benefit for the local economy without detriment to the availability of the local housing stock for occupation by local residents.

“The development will have a very minimal impact on the character of the area and will easily be assimilated into the local landscape. In particular significant new indigenous landscape planting is proposed that will ensure that the development is entirely screened.

“Additionally, the tree planting and proposed wildflower meadow planting will significantly enhance biodiversity.”

However, in May 2023 the application was refused by the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority.

A decision notice issued by the national park authority says: “. The proposal fails to conserve or enhance the landscape or scenic beauty of the National Park by reason of the exposed location and prominence of the site, the unsympathetic appearance of the pods and associated infrastructure which would contrast sharply with the undeveloped, pastoral natural beauty of the area.”

An appeal was lodged with the Planning Inspectorate in March 2023 and was dismissed on May 23.