The Rotary Club of Furness has revived its annual Kids Out event for the first time since the Covid-19 pandemic forced it to stop.

On Monday June 10, pupils from ten different primary schools across Barrow were invited on a day out.

The event returned in style, treating 50 lucky pupils to a guided tour of the Lakes Aquarium near Newby Bridge.

Seven Rotarians shared an ‘immensely’ enjoyable day out with the local children, including Martin McLeavy, Brian Boyd, Dave Salt, Fred Winkfield and Don Jesson from the Rotary Club of Furness, as well as Bill Joughin and Mike Lovell from the Rotary Club of Barrow.

Accompanied by a teacher or classroom assistant, five students from each school were given the chance to see the marine life on display.

After an essential ice-cream stop, everyone lined up along the platform edge and boarded a vintage steam train, called Princess.

Princess sped along the track, taking the children on a 20-minute journey from Lakeside to Haverthwaite, where everyone disembarked to sit and enjoy a picnic lunch. 

Despite a turn in the weather, the children had time to wander around and play on the park at Haverthwaite station before catching a coach for the trip home.

Youth Lead for the Rotary Club of Furness Martin McLeavy said everyone enjoyed a 45-minute escorted tour of the Aquarium led by the ‘very helpful’ staff of Lakeside.

He said: “I must say on behalf of the Rotary Club of Furness and the Rotary Club of Barrow, that all of the children were extremely well behaved, and it was a pleasure for us to hold this event.”

The trip was fully funded by the Rotary Club of Barrow in Furness and the Rotary Club of Furness.