A group in Cumbria was able to play a special role in the D-Day commemorations last week.

The Furness Amateur Radio Society (FARS) was invited to make contact with the radio station located at Pegasus Bridge in Normandy in conjunction with the Vintage Military Radio Society (VMARS) on June 6.

Pegasus Bridge, over the River Orne, was the target for British Airbourne troops, whose objective was to hold the bridge intact to facilitate the allied invasion 80 years ago.

Read more: Barrow commemorates 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings | The Mail (nwemail.co.uk)

It is now a war memorial dedicated to those that safeguarded it behind enemy lines.

FARS members situated themselves on a World War Two tug boat moored in the Duddon Estuary on Thursday.

FARS member Graham Postlethwaite said: "The tug was involved with movements on D-Day so it was a fitting location to operate from and to remember the events of 80 years ago.

"Equipment used consisted of a World War Two aircraft transmitter and receiver that was made in 1943, the same year that the tug was built.

"Vintage equipment in Normandy was located on an army communications lorry from the conflict too."

FARS thanked Dave Keenan for the use of his boat and Duddon Inshore Rescue for their assistance with the operation.