A production company has confirmed that a BBC documentary is being made about Dave Day.

On Saturday, June 8, tens of thousands of people took part in a motorbike ride from London to Barrow as a tribute to Dave Myers, who died earlier this year.

With thousands of people lining the streets of the Cumbrian town to welcome the convoy, there were plenty of cameras around to capture the spectacle.

Read more: Dave Day: Thousands arrive in Barrow to honour Dave Myers | The Mail (nwemail.co.uk)

Some of these cameras, it turns out, were on behalf of an independent production company tasked with bringing the event to the small screen.

South Shore Productions, based in London and Cardiff, revealed to The Mail that they were filming proceedings for an upcoming documentary on the BBC.

More details about what will be included in the show will be revealed closer to its air date, which is still yet to be confirmed.