A chippy in Dalton is hoping to prove that the industry is alive and well by scooping up a new award.

Last month The Mail launched the 'Best Chippy 2024' award with readers subsequently nominating their favourites.

From this, the ten finalists have now been revealed with readers able to vote for their favourite by picking up copies of the newspaper until Saturday, June 15.

Each of the ten establishments will feature in their own article with a different one being highlighted each day as they vie to earn your support in the campaign.

The Mail's 'Best Chippy 2024' awards pt. 1:

For the first time, the competition heads to Dalton, with its representative being the Sea Breeze Fish Bar on Station Road.

Owner Stephen Geldart opened the Dalton chip shop back in 2008, having previously purchased Sea Breeze chippy in Barrow 2001.

Over 16 years later and the two businesses are still going strong, which Stephen attributed to the local support he has continuously received - a level of support he is now hoping will see him crowned as champion.

Will Sea Breeze be getting your vote?Will Sea Breeze be getting your vote? (Image: Google Maps)

He said: "My biggest highlights would be the business surviving Covid - it was a very tough time for us and many other businesses.

"We decided to start operating online delivery services using Barrow Eats and Ulverston Eats covering Dalton, Askam and Ulverston helped us to continue.

"The fish and chip shop industries have taken a major hit over the last couple of years with a threat of 50% of chip shop businesses not surviving.

"I'm forever grateful for every customer who has walked through our doors or placed an online order with us."

The Mail's 'Best Chippy 2024' awards pt. 2:

For Stephen, Sea Breeze's popularity has just as much to do with the people serving the food as the food itself.

"The success of the business has most definitely come down to the incredible staff I have, especially my manager Kerryanne [Horton], who has been working with me for nearly 14 years," he said.

"We are all very grateful and happy to have reached the top 10, it's just amazing.

"We hope to continue to serve and deliver fish and chips in these hard times we are all facing."

The winner of 'The Best Chippy 2024' award will be announced in the week commencing June 24.