POLICE have estimated 20,000 bikers turned out for Dave Day.

Organiser Jason Woodcock spoke to the crowd outside Barrow Town Hall after bikers travelled from around the country to Cumbria in memory of Hairy Biker Dave Myers.

He said Cumbria Police had estimated 45,000 bikers were involved. 

But this morning (Sunday) police have confirmed the estimate was 20,000.

The day is raising money for NSPCC Childline and The Institute of Cancer Research. You can donate here

Jason said: "Organising this many bikes was not on the agenda. It's Si fault and Lili's fault because at Dave's funeral Lili mentioned about Dave Day and then said Woody (because I do a charity thing every year in America for Childline) you do the Childline ride so you can get a few bikes.

"I'd had a few beers and I'd said yes and look what happened.

"Everyone that's behind it has done an amazing job but more importantly than that is every single one of you who has gotten off your backsides from the biking community to prove to everyone else and I hope the whole country what people can do when they work together and are willing to give up a bit of their own time, their own money to support something that they believe in and for Dave and the Hairy Bikers - it's the love for that man that has brought you all here.

"I hope you've had a fantastic day and I'm sure you're going to have a great night. From the biking community and from a guy that loves his bikes you've all been absolutely amazing."

Superintendent Andy Wilkinson, of Cumbria Constabulary, said: "There was a great turnout yesterday for the motorcycle procession both from motorcyclists making their way to Barrow and local people attending to support them.

“We estimate that approximately 20,000 motorcyclists attended yesterday, and I am pleased to say there were no major incidents on the road network.

“A great deal of planning took place ahead of yesterday to ensure the safety of all involved. I would like to thank everyone for their safe manner of driving and working with ourselves and our partner agencies.

“We anticipate our road network will be very busy once again today as people return home from yesterday’s Dave Day events. We would ask people to drive safely and allow extra time for their journeys in order to keep all road users safe.”