GOOD Morning Britain interviewed the friends and fellow riders of Dave Myers ahead of the Dave Day celebrations tomorrow (June 8).

Thousands of bikers will be heading from North London as people join the 300 mile trek to Barrow to pay their respects to the Hairy Biker, who lost his battle to cancer in February.

ITV correspondent Michelle Morrison chatted to biker gang Sons of Royalty who were good friends with Dave and have ridden alongside him to raise money for Childline and the NPSCC.

READ MORE: Dave Myers: Dave Day band line up and Si King and Lil Myers' times

They had gathered on their bikes outside shops at Lutterworth, Leicestershire, and had hung 'Have a Dave Day' flag off the back of a Harley Davidson.

Speaking to member Woody, Michelle referred to Dave as a 'hero and ambassador' for the biker community.

She then asked him if this is why so many people are expected to turn out in Barrow tomorrow.

(Image: ITV) "Yeah," Woody said, "I think just the way he was, you know, his personality was true and that's shown - 25,000 people have signed up to the Facebook page in the space of eight weeks.

"And we're expecting everybody to get there and have a fantastic day, loads going on and basically we're gonna have a Dave Day."

The Good Morning Britain segment also included Dave's widow Lilliana Orzac speaking to ITV presenter Lorraine Kelly on Monday about how the idea of Dave Day came about. 

In reference to Dave's fans, Lilliana said: "They were asking how can we do something and pay our respects . 

"This idea came to do a motorbike ride in his memory to celebrate his life."

The clip then ended with the sign on the front of Woody's bike which read 'Sons of Royalty: RIP brother' with plenty of Dave Day stickers visible.

Michelle added: "Can you imagine that something in the region of 10 to 15,000 of these guys will turn up in Barrow and Furness which is a tiny town. 

"It's hard to contemplate isn't it what that might look like and sound like?"