THE Mayor of Ulverston raised a D-Day memorial flag to mark the 80th anniversary of those who sacrificed their lives in the Normandy landings.

Councillor Graham Scrogham hoisted the flag on a pole positioned in front of the Sir John Barrow Monument at 6:30 am – the precise time in which the boats started to land on the beach of Utah and Omaha on June 6 1944.

“I thought it would be a really fitting tribute,” said Cllr Scrogham, who is also the Senior Lighthouse Keeper at the 100-foot tower at the top of Hoad Hill.

“It’s important that we show respect to those who gave their lives.”

Ulverston Town Council is also flying a D-Day 80 flag from the Town Council office today.

The Mail:

A wreath was laid at the War Memorial on Market Cross followed by a passage read out by Pete Winston, Ulverston’s Town Crier.

A beacon will then be lit at the front of Hoad Hill near the Sir John Barrow Monument later this evening at 9:15pm.

The Town Crier will read the D-Day Tribute and the Last Poet will be sounded by a member of Ulverston Town Band.

Everyone is welcome to attend.