A family-run fish and chip shop in Barrow is aiming for award glory in its 55th year of business.

Last month The Mail launched the 'Best Chippy 2024' award with readers subsequently nominating their favourites.

From this, the ten finalists have now been revealed with readers able to vote for their favourite by picking up copies of the newspaper until Saturday, June 15.

Each of the ten establishments will feature in their own article with a different one being highlighted each day as they vie to earn your support in the campaign.

The 'Best Chippy 2024' awards so far:

The Olympic Chippy was one of the lucky businesses to earn a nomination, and the owners will be hoping to go one step further later this month.

The shop on Buccleuch Street has been managed by the Nicolaides family since 1969, a time when the range was powered by a coal fire.

The Mail: It runs in the family - Millie Nicolaides back in 2018 handing out free chipsIt runs in the family - Millie Nicolaides back in 2018 handing out free chips (Image: Milton Haworth)

Around the same time as the moon landing, Savvas Nicolaides and his brother-in-law George Constantinou were taking a giant leap of their own, moving into what was then The Copper Kettle.

In the mid 1970s, Andrew Neophytou and his family joined Savvas to run the business but, in recent years, the property has been in sole ownership of Nicos Nicolaides' family with Khaled Barkahoum managing the shop on a day-to-day basis.

"Rather than being average at lots of food genres, our aim has been to focus on a traditional fish and chip shop experience where the ingredients are king," Nicos commented.

"So much has changed since I used to cook here as a young man, not only in terms of competition, but also in terms of lifestyles."

The Mail: The Olympic has been serving locals since 1969The Olympic has been serving locals since 1969 (Image: Submitted)

For Nicos, the soul and success of the business is primarily down to the family connection.

"Our family has been in the business for almost seven decades since Mum and Dad opened their first chippy in Liverpool at the start of the 60s," he saod.

"Back then they couldn’t afford a car so Dad had to walk several miles to the market for fresh fish in sun, rain or snow – you can imagine what that was like.

"Thank goodness I don’t have to worry about that with my daily deliveries of fresh fish, but it’s definitely not an example of fast food."

The winner of the 'Best Chippy 2024' award will be announced in the week commencing June 24.