A SOUTH Cumbria hotel has been acknowledged with a prestigious TripAdvisor award.

Grange Hotel received TripAdvisor’s Traveller’s Choice award for consistently receiving ‘Excellent’ and ‘Very Good’ ratings from their customers over the past year.

The four-star hotel, located on Station Square in Grange, currently has 1,739 4.5/5 star reviews on the platform.

The award puts the hotel in the top ten per cent of businesses worldwide on the site.

Malcolm Baxter, general manager at the Grange Hotel, said: “We are absolutely thrilled to be accredited with this award.

“We are one of only a few hotels in the area to now be in a small percentage of the world’s best hospitality.

“It’s an amazing achievement, but it wouldn’t have been possible without the hard work of our team. It comes down to the day-to-day activities of people on the ground.”

The hotel, which has the only heated swimming pool in the town, is in the process of refurbishing the spa, as well as completing other upliftment work.

They have focused on trying to bring back exciting hospitality opportunities to the town by linking up with local and international businesses in an attempt to boost occupancy in the restaurant and hotel.

“We are really looking to get some traction going and offer something unique and exciting,” Malcolm added.

“I have done a lot of hard work in hand-selecting wines and other products from South Africa as that is my background.

“We are looking at doing more interesting dining opportunities by, for example, putting a twist on a Sunday roast by using a smoky BBQ.

“Hospitality has its challenges at the moment, but we can’t dwell on that. You’ve got to figure out how to adapt, move forward and have a clear vision of where you want to go.”