D-DAY was a crucial turning point in the Second World War.

Thousands of British and Allied troops stormed the beaches of Normandy in a day that saw many lose their lives in a battle to halt advancing German forces.

Today, Furness marks 80 years since the intervention with a raft of special events due to take place.

The D-Day landings took centre stage on the front pages of newspapers up and down Britain.

As the troops set about their mission, The North Western Evening Mail ran the headline: "Liberation of Europe begins".

The report said: "The first stage of the liberation of Europe began early this morning when Allied armies started to land on the northern coast of France.

"The landings, it is understood in London, were made in Normandy between 6am and 8.15am, minesweepers clearing the way.

"Allied bombers, roaring over London at dawn, gave Londoners the first hint that big events were under way."

The June 6 edition noted "News of the invasion was received in Barrow and District with suppressed excitement and overshadowed all other activities.

"Prayers were recited in many of the schools in the town for the success of the invasion."

At Barrow's town square, people will gather to mark the anniversary at 10.30am with an event featuring a proclamation by Alan Brown, the Dalton town crier.

Children from six schools in the area will come together to perform songs and poetry.

Army veterans and current members of the armed forces along with their families have been invited to a fish and chip lunch by The Forum.

On Saturday at the same location, an armed forces procession will take place from 11am.

It will be followed by performances from the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra Brass Quintet, the Age UK Choir, the Just in Time Dance Band and trio Another Mister.

In Ulverston a ceremony is to take place at the top of Hoad Hill today, while Four churches in Furness are looking to honour the fallen soldiers of D-Day with special services.

St James' Church in Barrow, Broughton's St Mary Magdalene's Church, St Mary’s parish church of Dalton and Great Urswick's St Mary and St Michael churches will be ringing their bells as part of the day of remembrance.