MORE than a thousand motorbike riders were involved in a tribute to Dave Myers over the weekend.

On Sunday, June 2, the Isle of Man TT hosted its annual legacy lap, which allows people to remember those they have lost.

Read more: Dave Myers: Isle of Man event to honour Hairy Biker | The Mail (

Before the race started at 9:30am, the Clerk of the Course Gary Thompson, gave a special shout-out to the Hairy Biker.

Nigel Sperring, a close friend of Dave, was at the event and described how 'emotional' the occasion ended up being.

He said: "The Hairy Bikers were and are great friends of ours, and he [Dave] would have loved this.

"I can feel him now, saying to me as we watch this 'Nigel, this is spectacular'.

"Well, this is for you, Dave and hopefully, everyone will have a good ride from London to Barrow."

The Isle of Man legacy festivities took place less than a week before Dave Day, which will see even more thousands of motorbike enthusiasts riding to Cumbria to celebrate the life of Dave.

Read more: Dave Myers: Barrow readies itself for Dave Day in June | The Mail (

The event itself started on May 27 and will finish on June 8, further linking itself to the day of remembrance in Furness this weekend.

Dave's legacy was discussed over the tannoy at the event right before the 'Sound of Thunder', where bikers rev their engines to make as much noise as possible.

Following this, the convoy left the Grandstand for a lap of the course under police supervision.

It took over an hour for the lap to be completed, with the mountain section of the course closing behind in preparation for the subsequent Superbike race as the parade snaked its way back down towards the start line.

Nigel added: "Nikki, my wife, said to me 'shall we try and do something in the Isle of Man' so that many people will not miss out on the London to Barrow ride when the TT is on, so we did!

"We can’t thank the Isle of Man team enough for all their help."