Six local schools are coming together in Barrow to mark the anniversary of D-Day.

Organised by the Forum Theatre and the council, the performance will take place in the town square on June 6 between 10:30am and 11:30am.

Read more: Barrow Town Council commemorate 80th anniversary of D-Day | The Mail (

Pupils from Chetwynde School, Dane Ghyll Junior School, Greengate Junior School, Sacred Heart Primary School, St George's Primary School, and St Paul's Junior School will unite their voices to commemorate 80 years since the Normandy Landings.

The children will perform as a mass choir, delighting crowds with songs and poetry readings.

This will be preceded by a proclamation from Alan Brown, the Dalton Town Crier.

Local performer Phil McIntosh will compere the event.

The town square will also be used for further special D-Day events on Saturday morning.