FUTURE investment into Barrow would be put 'at risk' under a Labour government, according to the Conservative candidate for the seat.

Simon Fell pointed to the number of projects that have received government funding in Furness in the last five years, urging people to allow him to 'keep up the progress' when voters go the polls at the General Election next month.

He mentioned the £220 million of investment that is due to be pumped into the area under the Government's Team Barrow project.

The Labour Party has already committed to continuing the funds - £20 million a year for the next ten years.

Announcing his backing for the investment on a previous visit to Barrow, Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said: “We’re fully supportive of this and we would see our role in government, if we’re privileged enough to come in, to roll up our sleeves and put our shoulders at the wheel to support that work.”

Barrow has received funding under the Conservative Government's Towns Fund and Levelling Up Fund, following applications submitted by the now-defunct Labour-run Barrow Council.

In a campaign video, Mr Fell said: "Together we have achieved a great deal over these last four and half years: over £370 million in funding for new projects to improve our area; a university campus now under construction; 800+ new homes greenlit; town centre renewal; the shipyard backed; community assets secured; Team Barrow launched with £220m for the community; the Grizebeck bypass funded and much, much more.

"But there’s still so much more to do.

"I’m asking you to lend me your vote on 4th July so that we can keep up the progress we’re making and not [put] this investment in our future at risk."

The initial projects planned to begin in Barrow as part of the transformation fund were announced in March and include a £5m Social Impact Fund to provide grants to local organisations and charities.

A £5m Barrow Work and Health fund to help tackle economic inactivity and improve health outcomes as well as £10.59m for the completion of the A595 Grizebeck Bypass upgrade scheme were also previously announced.


The candidates for Barrow and Furness so far declared ahead of the general election on July 4 are Simon Fell for the Conservatives, Barry Morgan for Reform, Michelle Scrogham for Labour, Adrian Waite for the Liberal Democrats and Lorraine Wrennall for the Green Party.