A FURNESS fundraiser has completed a challenge to swim 6,000 meters to raise money for fighting Motor Neurone Disease.

Inspired by Rob Burrow’s battle against the disease, Gillian Newsome, from Dalton, set off on a journey to swim 6km over the course of a month.

The ex-rugby league player died on Sunday June 2 at the age of 41 after a four-and-a-half-year battle with MND.

The condition affects the brain and nerves, causing muscle weakness, twitches, slurred speech and difficulty swallowing which worsen over time.

Every day in the UK, six people are given the devastating news of an MND diagnosis.

Gillian said: “Their world, and that of their loved ones, can be shattered in an instant. That's why I'm raising money to make sure people affected by MND get the care, help and support they need, and fund research to bring us closer to finding a cure.”

Throughout May, Gillian was a regular at Dalton Leisure Centre and completed 300 lengths of the 20m pool.

Gillian accomplished the challenge with six sessions, swimming 50 lengths each time.

She said: “I love swimming and used to swim regularly but with the pressure of work and my new golf hobby, I wasn’t getting to the pool as often as I would want. This challenge seemed the ideal opportunity to both raise money and get back into swimming.”

At her Bridge Club, Gillian takes part in running a charity quiz every month and enjoys raising money.

 “After seeing Rob Burrow decline, I knew that I wanted to do something for his charity," she added.

Dalton Leisure Centre said a ‘massive well done’ to Gillian for completing her goal after she succeeded in smashing her target of raising £150.

Achieving a total of £186 so far, there are still a few days left to donate to Gillian’s page.

She said: “Any donation you can give, no matter how small, will help to make a difference. Thank you.”