The Royal Liverpool Philharmonic are set to return to Barrow on Friday (June 7) with superstar violinist Simone Lamsma.

The Dutch musician is the Orchestra’s Artist in Residence this year and will visit Barrow for the first time to lead a concert where the string section step into the spotlight.

A handful of tickets have now become available for the concert which will be held at Barrow's Victorian Town Hall.

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In just 90 minutes, attendees will experience a year in Argentina with Piazzolla’s passionate Four Seasons of Buenos Aires, explore Bach’s iconic Concerto for Two Violins, and enjoy enchanting music by Grieg, Sarasate and Arvo Pärt.

A three-year partnership began with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in January of this year after Barrow was identified as a priority place in the North by Arts Council England.

This has meant the town has been receiving a 'significant creative cultural investment' which has so far included concerts, community events, music making projects and educational activities.

To find out more about this week's concert, visit the Barrow Forum Theatre website.