CUMBRIA Police have issued safety advice to the public following a burglary in the Furness area.

Police are investigating a burglary which occurred in the area of Oxford Street in Barrow between the hours of 11.30pm on Saturday (May 25) and 12.30am on Sunday (May 26).

A spokesperson for Cumbria Police said: "Did you see or hear anything during those times? Have you got CCTV in that area? Have you heard anything about this incident? Please get in touch."

"Please keep your homes safe and follow our advice:

- Keep doors and windows locked when you are out of the house, upstairs or enjoying the sun in the back garden

- Keep valuables out of sight

- Remove keys from locks and make sure your keys are secure before you go to bed

- If you have been using tools, ensure they are locked away when you are finished with them

- Ensure valuable are not left in vehicles

- Consider installing CCTV or camera doorbells"

Anyone with information relating to this incident can report online at , quoting incident number 171 of 26th May. You can also phone on 101.

Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.