The wife of Dave Myers has opened up about her feelings as Dave Day fast approaches.

On Saturday, June 8, thousands of people will be coming to Barrow to celebrate the life of the Hairy Biker, with widow Liliana discussing her nerves ahead of the big day.

Read more: Dave Myers: Wife shares heartfelt tribute to Hairy Biker | The Mail (

If Saturday was not enough, Liliana will be facing a number of TV appearances, with all eyes in the country looking towards Cumbria for the festivities.

She said: "To say I’m nervous is an understatement, but I want to make this man proud of what we have achieved.

"And I can’t thank enough the beautiful friends and family who have done an incredible job, the people of Barrow who are opening their hearts and their homes, the tireless people who donated their time, used their connections, their resources and effort to put this celebration together.

"And two charities will get the much-needed funds to help other people in need - Dave would be so happy to see all this happening in his memory."