HUNDREDS of people were injured on Westmorland and Furness roads last year, new figures show.

Provisional figures from the Department for Transport suggest there were 560 road casualties in Westmorland and Furness in 2023.

In Westmorland and Furness, 157 people were seriously injured on the roads last year.

A total of 1,645 road users were killed in crashes in 2023, a decline of 4% from the 1,711 in 2022.

Across Britain, a total of 132,063 road casualties were recorded in 2023 – down 3% from the year before. Most of these were in London, with 26,138, while the North East saw the fewest, with 4,018.

In the North West, 12,843 people were injured or killed.

There were 407 pedestrians killed on Britain’s roads in 2023.

RAC head of policy Simon Williams said: “Any number of deaths on the road is too many, so we strongly encourage the new Government not to take these figures lightly and to make road safety a priority.

“We continue to believe the Government should reinstate road casualty reduction targets.”

The DfT said the Government’s THINK! Campaign aims to cut road deaths by changing attitudes and behaviours.