The latest results of a Catholic Inspectorate report of a primary school in Furness described it as 'a beacon of love, joy, calmness and hope'. 

The headteacher at Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School in Dalton has shared her thoughts and reaction to the glowing report.

After reading that the school was found to be ‘highly inclusive’ and to offer an ‘outstanding’ level of care, she said she was ‘absolutely thrilled’.

The school, on Crooklands Brow, was credited with creating a ‘strong sense’ of family and community and a ‘very positive’, calm learning environment.

Inspectors found pupils to show an awareness of some key concepts, to engage ‘very well’ in lessons and a willingness to improve their knowledge, understanding and skills.

All areas for development identified in the last inspection had been improved upon and the report found pupils were able to speak with confidence.

Headteacher Bernadette Charnley, who has been in the post since September 2022, loves her school and said: “In terms of the report, we are absolutely thrilled.

“Our Lady's is a very special place - visitors always comment on the 'feel' of the school.  We are very inclusive, and every person is valued and loved for who they are.

“The children are wonderful, and the staff are phenomenal - they show so much love and care for every single child and I am so glad that this came through in the report. 

“As well as achieving significantly better grades than in our last inspection in 2017, it should be noted that the inspection was carried out under the new Catholic Schools Inspectorate framework, which is much more rigorous than the previous one, making it more difficult to achieve the higher grades.

“I am incredibly proud of the work that all the staff have put into achieving this.  They are the school's greatest asset.”

The report said parents and pupils are ‘rightly proud’ of their school and value the support given to them.

Inspectors found the primary school to be welcoming and ‘well led’ with an ‘outstanding’ Catholic life and a sense of community.

The school currently has 106 children on roll between the ages of two and 11, and have places available in several year groups, including a new Reception class in September.