A BAE worker has been giving up one of his days a week to lend a helping hand to a local hospice.

Jamie Williams has taken to spending his Sundays working at St Mary's Orangery Cafe in Ulverston.

He is sharing his story in Volunteers Week, which is celebrated between the 3rd and the 9th of June this year.

It is a week in which the UK celebrates volunteers and says thank you to them for the contribution that they make. The week also raises awareness about the benefits becoming a volunteer and the diverse volunteering roles that are available.

Jamie has been doing this as a way of giving back to the charity, having experienced the work they do on a regular basis.

He said: "Unfortunately, my family is no stranger to cancer and the wide impact it has - recently, it claimed the young life of my uncle Geoff.  

“He was a patient at St Mary’s before he sadly died - the care and treatment he received was second to none at such a difficult time for him and his close family and friends. 

“In Geoff’s honour, and to repay the efforts of the staff at St Mary’s, I decided I would give something back for all they had given Geoff.” 

Jamie has been a member of the volunteering team for just over a year, with his first shift coming in February 2023 - and he is hoping his last won’t be for a very long time.

"I remember my first day at the Orangery and at the end of my shift I left thinking ‘give me building submarines over this any day’," he said.

“It’s hard work putting a shift in at a café - the effort the staff put into providing wonderful food and service can’t be understated.

"Despite my tired legs, knowing I’m contributing to all the good work St Mary’s does fill me with a sense of pride and gratitude.

"I know I’m a small cog in a much bigger machine that provides so much help to those who are suffering."

Jamie finished by encouraging anyone and everyone to at least consider volunteering with the charity.

“I promise you, you will get so much more out of it than you put in and the benefits of what you put in will be felt far beyond what you can imagine," he said.

“I just hope Geoff is looking down on me in his Paisley shirt belting it out on the karaoke as I walk from table to table.”