The bands and performers taking part in the Dave Day concert next week have spoken about the 'honour' of being involved.

Hosted at Barrow Raiders' Northern Competitions Stadium, the tribute concert is being held in honour of Dave Myers, one of Barrow's most famous sons who passed away earlier this year after a battle with cancer.

On Saturday, June 8 thousands of people will be travelling to his hometown to celebrate his life, with the concert serving as the focal point of the festivities from 2pm.

Tickets first went on sale in April with only a few hundred now left at the time of writing.

The Dave Day concert low down:

The headline act will be Massive Wagons, a rock band from Lancaster, with vocalist Barry (Baz) Mills discussing what it means to be asked to be a part of the big event.

He said: "It's an immense honour to be asked to play at Dave Day in remembrance of Dave Myers. 

"Although our paths never crossed in person, we came from the same world - I’m a biker, a big fan of rock music, and we both hail from the grim north. 

"But I think Dave was the kind of guy everyone felt a connection with, he was a lovely, humble, down-to-earth chap who was extremely open and honest about his life and loves.

"It’s a real sad loss but I think Dave Day is the perfect way to remember and celebrate him, and we are honoured to be part of it."

The Mail:

Massive Wagons will be supported by Blue Nation, Maiden Cumbria, The Silver Bars, Jordan Gaffney, God Damn Smile, The Dales, and Route 66. 

Both Blue Nation and God Damn Smile commented on the sheer size and spectacle of the event.

Gary Salt, singer for Furness-based GDS, added: "This might be the biggest show we ever get to play - 5,000 capacity, wow.

"All profits are going to some well-deserved charities close to Dave and Liliana’s hearts so make sure to get your tickets."

You can do so by visiting the website here.