Barrow is set to become a more 'colourful' place ahead of Dave Day this month.

Next week, on Thursday, June 6, Barrow Business Improvement District is hosting its second 'Planting Party' in the hope of encouraging locals to bring their green thumbs to decorate the town.

They said: "We're looking to refresh the town centre planters with beautiful new flowers and gorgeous greenery, in preparation for the summer ahead, and Dave Day, next week.

"Whether you're an experienced gardener, a local community group or school, or just looking for a fun way to get involved in the community, we would love to have you join us."

They will be meeting at 10:30am at the Outdoor Market with participants getting free refreshments for their efforts.

On June 8, thousands of people will be coming to Barrow to celebrate the life of Dave Myers, with Barrow BID therefore hoping that sprucing the area up will help make it a day to remember.

Businesses can also get involved in the celebrations by decorating their premises, with Barrow BID alongside Little Rebels to create special Dave Day bunting.