There is just over one week to go until the Great North Swim and participants are getting excited.

The UK's most popular open water swimming event returns to Brockhole on Windermere from June 7-9.

Final entries are closing for bookings on June 6.

The event features six courses of varying lengths to accommodate swimmers of all abilities.

The three-day gathering anticipates around 8,000 participants and a whopping 20,000 spectators.

The ‘Every Body Swim’ campaign for this year seeks to highlight the inclusivity of swimming, promoting the enjoyment and freedom it affords to everyone.

Gill Castle from Alnwick, known as the first person with a stoma to swim the English Channel, will be participating as a guest speaker and a participant.

Ms. Castle said: "I'm really looking forward to taking part in the Arla Great North Swim this June.

"Last year I became the first person in the world to swim the English Channel solo with a stoma.

"The open water swimming community has always been extremely welcoming to me since I started my journey into the open water six years ago."

She is set to join the two-mile swim on Sunday, June 9, after discussing her inspiring story and achievements on the SwimFest stage on Saturday, June 8.

Among other celebrated participants, author and former BBC Breakfast presenter, Louise Minchin, will also share her experiences on the SwimFest stage.

Before discussing her book 'Fearless', Ms. Minchin will join the two-mile swim and the SwimRun Middle distance which she eagerly looks forward to.

Ms. Minchin said: "I’m so excited to come to the Lake District and be part of the Arla Great North Swim weekend.

"This event is something I’ve been wanting to do for ages, and I can’t wait to join all the swimmers."

Among other distinguished guests would be Vickie Orton, a wheelchair user battling with MS, who uses open water swimming as an aid in her fight.

Bill Moore, aged 86, who participated in every Great North Swim, and Rhianon Gale, 44, who uses swimming as a coping mechanism will also be taking part.

Dr. Hussain Al-Zubaidi, the popular television lifestyle doctor, remarked on his participation: "This is my fourth year in a row doing the Arla Great North Swim, and I always look forward to meeting other likeminded people that love swimming.

"I’ve gained so much from swimming for my health and well-being, in particular my mental health."

This great communal event celebrates swimming, touts the health benefits, both physical and mental, and brings together a diverse community, underscoring the fact that water knows no boundaries.

For the seasoned athletes and the infrequent swimmers or even spectators, it hopes to be a memorable splash.