The Roxy Collective is looking for members to help restore an iconic building in Ulverston

The group of volunteers took over The Roxy Cinema last year to restore its art deco building.

It now wants to expand the skillsets of the collective with some new board members.

Ideally, candidates will have to have experience in one or more of the following areas:

IT and Data systems

Health and Safety


Building Management


Graphic Design

Advertised today on the Roxy Collective Facebook page, a post read: "Please note this is to become a board member of the Roxy Collective and therefore an unpaid position.

"You’ll need to be able to regularly volunteer your time to help achieve the Collective's goals. We also meet up once a month for regular board meetings.

"If you fit the bill or have any other skills you feel will be helpful as a board member or willing to volunteer your time for various projects as a non-board member, please get in touch via our email:"