A MAN has gone on trial accused of stabbing a female friend multiple times with a ‘large kitchen knife’ in an alleged row over wine.

Ravi Jeyendran, of Schooner Street in Barrow, is charged with unlawfully and maliciously wounding the woman with intent to cause her grievous bodily harm.

A jury sitting at Preston Crown Court heard the offence allegedly occurred at the 53-year-old's address on the evening of May 4 last year.

Outlining the prosecution’s case to the jury, prosecutor Catherine Ellis said Mr Jeyendran put a large kitchen knife to the complainant’s throat before stabbing her to the abdomen, shoulder and back as she attempted to leave.

Ms Ellis said the offence allegedly occurred following a dispute over alcohol she had bought from a convenience store earlier in the day.

The jury was shown pictures of the victim's stab wounds, as well as an injury to her hand, which the prosecution say she sustained from moving the knife away from her throat.

The court heard the victim was taken to hospital after ambulance and police arrived at her former partner’s property (not the defendant) at around 7:30 pm.

Ms Ellis said the Crown were relying on traces of the defendant’s blood found on the wall by the front door of his property in order to prove his guilt.

Giving live evidence to the court, the complainant told the court she woke up and went around to Mr Jeyendran’s flat at 8:30 am where they enjoyed a ‘couple of vodkas’.

She said this was something they did on a regular basis.

She told the jury she stayed there for a couple of hours before visiting a nearby Co-Op where she purchased a bottle of wine and cigarettes for her and her former partner, as well as a sandwich.

The woman told the court she went for a sleep in the defendant’s bedroom later in the afternoon before waking to find the bottle of wine had gone missing.

“I had gone to the living room and left the wine on the table," she told the jury whilst attempting to fight back the tears.

“The wine was not where I had left it. I asked him where it was and he told me to get out of his house.

“I thought he was joking. He then went into the kitchen and picked a knife up. It was a large silver kitchen knife with a long, thin blade.

“I stood still as he came towards me with the knife. He put the knife to my throat and I panicked.

“I turned to try and get out of the front door when he stabbed me to the stomach, shoulder and then my back.”

The trial continues.