RESIDENTS concerned the Dave Day concert are being invited to a special meeting.

Barrow Raiders is inviting locals to the meeting on Wednesday June 5 at 7pm at their marquee.

On June 8, the rugby club is expecting roughly 5,000 people to arrive at The Northern Competitions Stadium in celebration of Dave Myers.

Barrow Raiders' bosses said with they are permitted to go 'above the noise levels generally allowed'.

It said: "This is a special day for Barrow-in-Furness and a chance to welcome visitors and show all that is good about our town.

"There are also a number of events planned in the town centre to help provide further entertainment.

"The capacity for the event is capped at 5,000 and we are heading towards a full house with only a few hundred tickets remaining.

"The sheer volume of people will undoubtedly create extra noise but we will have a sound engineer in place monitoring noise at the front of house and in Clive Street and Nelson Street."

READ MORE: Business in Barrow to give out free Dave Day tickets to customers

They explained readings will be taken before the event and during changeovers to show sound levels throughout the day without amplified music.

"We have acquired some acoustic barriers that will be situated by Clive Street and Duke Street sides of the ground that will help to absorb noise," they added.

There will be sound checks on Friday 3pm to 7pm and sounds checks will restart at 10am on the Saturday with the event running from 2pm and a strict finishing time of 11pm.

"We understand that this isn't ideal for every resident but we ask that you are patient for this one day. We welcome you to the residents' meeting and we hope that we can reassure or address any concerns," a spokesperson for Barrow Raiders added.

The concert tickets are still available on sale for £10 and it will be headlined by Massive Wagons. The club said 3,000 tickets had sold in less than 36 hours after they were released.