A patient at a hospice in Ulverston has paid tribute to the staff who looked after her.

Linda was recently discharged back to her home in Haverigg after having a stint in St Mary's In-Patient Unit.

Following the experience, she wanted to reassure people facing similar situations about the process, stating that there is no need for them to be 'anxious' when going to the hospice.

Linda said: "I wanted to let everyone know that St Mary’s Hospice isn’t just about dying and that it is a wonderful place.

"The level of care I’ve had has been terrific - I couldn’t believe how well I was looked after."

Linda admitted that her own time as a health professional had influenced the way she perceived hospices.

"I worked in the NHS for years and always thought that going to a hospice meant you were approaching the end," she said.

"It didn’t take me long to realise that the hospice staff were there for me, at any time, and they made me feel like the only patient on the unit and that nothing was too much trouble, like I was the most important person in the world."

She paid special tribute to the doctors at the hospice, as well as chef Roy, who went to extra effort to please her.

"He came to see what I fancied to eat and then made a real fuss of making sure I was happy with everything," Linda explained. 

"I can’t wait to go back to the cafe with my husband and enjoy some of his coffee and walnut cake."

For Linda, it is now a case of managing her health after her stay at the hospice, rather than fearing what the future holds.

"If I had a million pounds I would give it to the hospice," she said.

"Sadly I don’t but hopefully by sharing my story I can help explain to people just how fabulous the place is, and the staff, and then if anyone else needs to go in, it can help them feel more comfortable.”