Cumberland Council are on the hunt for potential operators of two new projects being brought to a town in the county.

The two schemes in Millom, launched on May 24, as part of the Millom Town Deal aim to 'transform the forgotten town' according to the deal's board.

The first, named Ironline, aims to enhance the area's seawall and coastal lagoon, creating a route across RSPB Hodbarrow.

The project also hopes to establish more than four miles of enhanced walking and cycling routes.

Also part of the blueprint, a welcome centre, featuring a café/bar, retail space and a multi-use events room, in addition to parking for around 80 vehicles.

The second venture involves the creation of an arts and enterprise centre in the former NatWest bank building, as part of the Reactivating Heritage Buildings project.

The centre will aim to connect local businesses and patrons via a cafe and exhibition space.

Other on-site facilities will include a shared co-working space, a makers market area, retail display space, a start-up enterprise area, studios and workshops.

David Savage, chair of Millom Town Deal Board, said: "We are witnessing another significant step forward by seeking potential operators of these new and exciting facilities.

"The door is open and we encourage potential operators to share their skills and knowledge as we continue to progress with the transformation of our forgotten town."

Submissions can be made via Cumberland Council’s online procurement CHEST, by email, or by post with the deadline for responses being 4pm on June 21, 2024.

The Millom Town Deal secured a substantial £20.6 million from the Government’s Towns Fund in November 2022.

This was further boosted by an additional pledge of £8.7 million which aims to "help the town and its communities to thrive in the future", according to the Council.

The significant financial boost will contribute to a total of four projects.

Besides the Iron Line and the Reactivating Heritage Buildings projects, the Millom Town Deal also encompasses Activating Community Health and Connecting Millom and Haverigg.

The Towns Fund was announced by the Prime Minister in July 2019, with initial support for 101 places across England to develop town deal proposals.

For more detailed information about these projects and Millom's Town Deal, interested parties are directed to