Three runners from a south Cumbria club had the 'runs of their lives' at the Great Manchester Run.

Mark Tomkinson, Ken Lamb and Gary Dover, all from Ulverson-based Hoad Hill Harriers, were a part of the 25,000 strong contingent in the half marathon on Sunday, May 26.

The AJ Bell 21st Great Manchester Run consists of one of the biggest 10km races in the UK, as well as the hotly contested half marathon.

After many hundreds of miles of training and coming through injuries, all three of the Hoad Hill group had qualified to run for England in the veteran championships.

The average half marathon time is 1.55.26, meaning an average pace of 8.49 minute miles is needed to hit that benchmark.

Tomkinson, Lamb and Dover were amidst 120 fellow veterans, all of them extremely eager to push themselves to the limit and 'do England proud'.

Ultimately, the trio all had the 'runs of their lives', eating up the miles and tearing up the concrete like never before.

The Mail: Mark on his way to a personal best timeMark on his way to a personal best time (Image: Hoad Hill Harriers)

In the Veteran 40 group, Tomkinson set an average pace of 5.57 minute miles, passing through 10km in 36.30 and breaking the hour for 10 miles (59.17) to finish in a lifetime personal best of 1.18.15, securing ninth in his category and 78th overall.

Lamb, in the veteran 60 group, was 'thrilled' to hold a consistent average pace of 6.45 minute miles, cruising through 10 miles in 66 minutes, achieving a personal best time of 1.28.42.

Not far behind was his good friend and training partner Dover, who held a steady 6.52 mile pace to sneak under the 90 minute mark with a finish of 1.29.57.

The trio are now looking forward to representing England again at the next veteran championships in the autumn at the Essar Chester Marathon.