A CAMPAIGN advocating for a change to the voting system from First Past the Post (FPTP) to Proportional Representation (PR) has backed a Cumbrian MP. 

Currently General Elections are determined by FPTP where a vote decides who wins a seat. Compass South Cumbria and North Lancashire wants a PR system which more closely reflects the popular vote across the nation. 

Compass is asking voters in South Cumbria to vote for Liberal Democrat Tim Farron, and in Morecambe and Lunesdale to vote for Labour's Lizzi Collinge who have both advocated for a proportional voting system. 

Mr Farron said: "Having a fair voting system would mean that everyone’s vote counts - in so many constituencies, everyone knows the outcome of the election before a single ballot is cast. That’s not right. Every voter should be and feel heard. 

“A fairer voting system would mean that Parliament actually reflected the will of the British people and would end the pattern of parties getting the support of barely a third of the electorate but attaining 100 per cent of power."

In 2022, Labour leader Keir Starmer admitted to the Observer that there are 'a lot of people in the party who are pro-PR' but it was not a priority.