A new group is being launched to help dads cope with the pressures of parenting.

The sessions will take place at Bram Longstaffe Centre from June 22 between 10:00am and 12 noon.

The group is being organised by Family Hubs who said: "[This is] a relaxed group for dads to come, bring their little ones to play and socialise, meet other dads, and build strong relationships for life.

"The group will be open to fathers of all ages, those who are expecting a new baby, and male carers of children."

The organisation wanted to make it clear that dads of older children are just as welcome as those with younger kids.

For further information, you can contact Meghan Bielby by emailing meghan.bielby@westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk

You can also reach out to the wider team by contacting familyhubs@westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk or by calling 01229 40737.