Lambing is largely over and we gather to thank God for them.

It’s not been the easiest spring for any of our farmers; cold and wet, late nights and early mornings, not enough sleep and too many losses – yet today we are grateful.

Amazingly as we gather the valley is beautifully sunny and everything is lush and green in this rural spot. The sound of ewes and lambs, and the odd pheasant, breaks through the sounds of the birdsong as they flit about the trees above our heads. Swallows swoop into the buildings with crops of mud to build their nests.

Some talk of swallows bringing good luck; we are grateful that they managed to travel those huge distances to join us. A little bit of reassurance that climate change hasn’t stopped them coming; they are more precious than ever. We value them – call them a blessing.

We are coming together as a community, welly boots, puppet sheep, shepherd’s crooks, tea, coffee, juice and tray bakes and a whole lot of gratitude. Children’s laughter mixes with gravel-voiced reminiscences, bright-coloured Good Shepherd banner with resonance of the 23rd Psalm and through it all the ‘thank you’ of a thankful people.

Another year - we have got through. Not all of us are with us in the flesh but surely in spirit. New ones have joined us – a little pair of sheep socks for the baby – all thanking God and praying for the world, the Harvest and our little community’s part in it.

Written by Beverley Lock, Vocations Team, Diocese of Carlisle

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