THOUSANDS of Barrovians embraced pre-historic creatures at the weekend as the town centre was transported back to the Jurassic period.

Barrow Business Improvement District hosted Dino Day for the third year running on Saturday which saw new dinosaurs the town has never seen before.

Families basked in the sunshine as they witnessed a triceratops, cheeky velociraptor, ferocious T-Rex and other dinosaurs descending on the streets of the town.

The Mail:

The Mail: Triceratops roaming in the Main Arena at Barrow Dino Day

The Mail: T-Rex spotted at Dino Day in Barrow

The aim was to help boost the economy of the town centre as well as supporting local businesses and to change the perception of the town.

Barrovians saw the largest dinosaurs on display outside the Town Hall at 10:30 am, 12:30pm before a grand finale was held at 3:30 pm in the Main Arena.

Small and medium dinosaur meets were also held at hourly intervals throughout the day as well as the opportunity to partake in Fossil Making and Ranger Training, which taught children how to deal with naughty dinosaurs.   

The Mail: Caitlyn and Bailey Adams at Dino Day

The Mail: Dino Ranger, Maggie Clark at Dino Day in Barrow

Paul Hodgson, Barrow BID Event Organiser, said: “The event has gone extremely. We were fortunate with the weather as it really drew huge crowds out.

“Events like this help to put Barrow on the map. Hopefully, it will encourage more people to come to the town centre on a more regular basis to see what Barrow has to offer.

“As a BID, we’re really proud to put on events like this. It wouldn’t be possible without all of our amazing volunteers. It’s going to benefit all of the businesses in the town centre.

“We definitely hoping to plan this again next year.”

Katherine Hillbeck, who attended the event with her children and friend for the second year running, said: “The weather is perfect and it’s turned out to be a fantastic day.

“It’s such a fantastic event and such a great day out for the kids. The fact it’s free makes it even better.

“Events like this really help to put Barrow on the map. It’s important to have these type of events for businesses because usually the town centre is really quiet."

Chris Banks, who ventured into the town centre with his son, said: “We’ve really enjoyed the day. The kids have loved it.

"It’s nice to see Barrow full of people. We enjoyed this event last year and we’re really enjoying it again this year.”