The long-serving chairman of an Ulverston-based local history group has stepped down after 18 years on the job.

Until recently, North Lonsdale Local History Society was headed by Jack Rice, a retired school teacher and former Royal Navy officer.

The baton was passed over to his successor David Jackson at the annual general meeting of the society, held at Ulverston Methodist Church Hall.

As a mark of appreciation, the outgoing chairman was presented with an impressive Bermuda Palm which he plans to plant in his garden.

The final talk of the season was given by Jack who spoke about the "Two Lighthouses" which linked the design and history of the Eddystone lighthouse with Ulverston's Sir John Barrow monument.

The AGM marked the end of the latest season of local history talks before a series of guided walks take place over the next three months.

Monthly meetings will resume in September and details of future speakers were announced at the AGM.