Furness Academy worked with other schools in Cumbria last week to inspire deaf children in the area.

The academy was getting involved with Deaf Awareness Week, hosting an activity morning on Thursday, May 9.

This involved visits from students from Yarlside Academy and Greengate Junior School of Barrow, Sandgate School in Kendal, and Ulverston Victoria High School.

A spokesperson from Yarlside Academy commented: "Students and staff enjoyed learning about famous people who live with a hearing impairment, practiced greeting each other and giving their name using British Sign Language, and showcased their skills during a competitive game of rounders.

"Special thanks [go] to one of our Year 11 students for sharing the positive experiences he has had at secondary school whilst managing a hearing impairment."

Deaf Awareness Week is an annual event designed to increase education and knowledge about the deaf community, their language, culture and history.